Final Work Parties For Current Membership Year


Last chance to get the stamp in the book before renewals. With duties for all from taking names, making a brew to chopping a tree!!


Saturday 8th February 9am start


Saturday 22nd February 9am start




Media Support







Wednesday 5th February general meeting only, no membership renewal will be done, starts at 8pm.

March, no meeting just renewals/ new memberships.

Don't forget to renew or obtain ROD LICENCE, the Environment Agency Bailiff have the authority to come on our club water to check. You could net yourself a £2500.00 fine for not have a rod licence.

Renewal of memberships only Wednesday 5th, 12th, 19th please remember to bring your membership ID card, renewal card, and constitution rule book for work party stamp to be checked and updated with any outstanding fines to be paid before renewal, starts 8pm.

There are some limited places for New Memberships and available from 19th March.

2nd April is a general meeting, starting 8 pm, and the last chance to renew existing memberships after meeting.

After this date, it's classed as new membership required and full joining fee to be paid.

Any further information required regarding memberships, please contact Kathy Barr:,







Dates for your diaries, these are important times to help keep your pond in great condition. The more people who attend the more improvements and on going maintenance we can achieve together!!

Some vital work required after the recent weather.


Work Parties 2025

Saturday 12th April


Saturday 3rd May


Saturday 17th May


Sunday 18th May


Saturday 7th June


Saturday 28th June


Saturday 12th July


Saturday 26th July


Sunday 27th July


Saturday 9th August


Saturday 16th August


Saturday 6th September


Saturday 4th October


Wednesday 22nd October


Saturday 15th November







Membership Notice:


Wednesday 5th February general meeting only, no membership renewals will be done, starts at 8pm.

March, no meeting just renewals/ new memberships, renewal of memberships only Wednesday 5th, 12th, 19th please remember to bring your membership ID card, renewal card, and constitution rule book for work party stamp to be checked and updated, any outstanding fines to be paid before renewal, starts 8pm.

There are some limited places for New Memberships and available from 19th March.

2nd April is a general meeting, starting 8 pm, and the last chance to renew existing memberships after meeting, after this date, it's classed as new membership required and full joining fee to be paid.

Don't forget to renew or obtain ROD LICENCE, the Environment Agency Bailiff have the authority to come on our club water to check. You could net yourself a £2500.00 fine for not have a rod licence.

Any further information required regarding memberships, please contact Kathy Barr:,




Hi All,

2024 has been a hectic and productive year for Reddish Angling Club 1951. 
The committee wishes to express our heartfelt gratitude to you, the members, for your help and support over this past year.

With Christmas just around the corner, the committee wishes all our members and the community of Reddish a truly wonderful Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, New Year. 🎣🍾🥂🍻
look forward to greeting you, old & new members in 2025.

Next general meeting  Wednesday 5th February 2025,




Due to unforeseen circumstances, the club pond will be closed to all members on Tuesday the 10th and Wednesday the 11th December 2024. Apologises for any inconvenience but we have the Environment Agency working on the water.


Thank you for your understanding at short notice. 




AGM meeting 04/12/2024, prompt start 8pm, please sign in on entry to main function room.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • The AGM is held on the First Wednesday of December at The Clubs headquarters commencing at 8pm prompt and its function is as follows.
  • To elect officers of The Club
  • To receive the previous minutes  report.
  • To receive the Treasures report.
  • To Appoint Auditors
  • To discuss and deal with notices of motion.
  • AOB


24hr Fish A Thon

Starts 12:00 noon 24th,  till 12:00 noon 25th August 2024 in aid of the Francis House Children's Hospice Fund, so all welcome to come and support the anglers and keep them whilst enduring the fishing session, tea and coffee available, also if you would like to sponsor any of the anglers on the day, it would be most welcome, 100% of monies does go to the charity.


Bit of a catch up for August 2024

Memberships are at 212.

over passed few work parties lots of works have been completed, great turnout of members.

Angling Trust grant works has been completed,  total of 18 pre-planted coir mat floating island have been put in position on pond, these in time will help cut down the predation and condition the water qualities of the pond. 

A cabin was donated to us by Ramillies Hall Nursery, the foundation were done over couple of work parties and CABIN positioned in place near the pathway/ painted green to blend in with the environment, work to be completed on this are the lighting/ new door and decor.

The new toilet also was painted green to blend in with the environment  and urine fitted.

On going/ in process are a few more grants to help with replacement of the two path ways from the main gate down to water edge/ tidy up the fence line in car park and skips.

We have only a few more work parties to go till November, and then they stop for over Christmas till of April, so if you have not done one and not wanting to pay £25 towards the banks maintenance on next membership renewal get booked or just turn up, its your pond to enjoy whilst fishing .

Work Parties 2024

Work parties will be held on the following Saturdays / Sundays 

Saturday 13th April 2024

Saturday 4th May 2024

Saturday 18th May 2024/ Sunday 19th May 2024

Saturday 8th June 2024

Saturday 13th July 2024

Saturday 27th July 2024/ Sunday 28th July 2024

Saturday 10rd August 2024

17th August 2024 (additional)

Saturday 7th September 2024

Saturday 5th October 2024

Saturday 16th November 2024

Work parties start at 8.30am

Non official work parties maybe held on other Saturday mornings

Fishing is not permitted on official work party days until 12 noon, or the work party leader declares the session finished (whichever the earlier).

One work party( more if like)  to be done per year by members.

Please book on in advance the date you require with the Minute Secretary.


 June 5th 2024 general meeting, has been changed to the second Wednesday of June , 12th june2024, just for this month only due to unforeseen circumstances with the function room. Sorry for an inconvenience.

 Important information 

The committee shall uphold and enforce The Club rules. 20/05/2024

Reddish Angling Club 1951 reserves the right to decline any application for membership.

Members of The Club whose conduct is inappropriate, or who decline to abide by the any of the rules, maybe expelled or suspended by a resolution passed at a meeting of the committee, where their entrance fee and subscriptions maybe forfeited.

Members shall have the right to appeal in person to the committee with regards to any decision affecting them, if notice of such appeal is submitted to the committee in writing, within seven days of notification of the decision.  

Membership cards /gate keys and rule book must be carried and produced when requested by a bailiff or any other club member.

Members must be in possession of a seat, landing net, disgorger, and an unhooking mat. 

Keep nets landing nets and stink bags to be dipped in the disinfectant tub and unhooking mate to be brushed down in the disinfectant tub on entering club water at the wash-down plant before proceeding to peg, failure to comply will result in membership being revoked without deposits.  All fish must be handled with the utmost care.

No fish to be unhooked on the ground, this includes laying your landing net on the ground, If an angler is unable to unhook a fish in the landing net on their lap, an unhooking mat must be used.



June 5th 2024 general meeting, has been changed to the second Wednesday of June , 12th june2024, just for this month only due to unforeseen circumstances with the function room. Sorry for an inconvenience.  

Update 5thth June 2024

At all general meetings until further notice, we will be taking new members on, if you want to join a nice well looked after club with toilet facilities  and catch some nice specimen fish, please come along to one of our general meeting and join up, 1st Wednesday of every month. All information on membership page.

3rd April 2024.   General Meeting starts 8.00pm, after meeting New memberships being taken only. 

The first match of 2024

The Bellfield trophy is on Jackson’s pond the 24th of March 2024. All members old and new can fish this match, Hope to see you there !, Peg draw at 9am on car park . Peg fees £1, please follow the Bio Security rules.

Regards, Lee

Membership renewals, Please take notice.

13th March & 20th of March 2024 are the last two dates for membership renewal fees, after 20th March it will be classed as new membership fee.

3rd April's 2024 general meeting, after this general meeting, we will be taking new memberships on only.

Thank you, Membership Secretary 


13th of April 2023, general work party.

Jackson’s News
Happy New Year to all members
This month saw the first general meeting of the year and some of the following points were read out.

1, Discussions amongst the committee have taken place to stock the pond however after talking with the Environment Agency & Angling Trust, it’s been decided that netting the pond is advisable first which has also been agreed at general meeting . This will hopefully take place by the Environment Agency this year around October – ish. 

2, A good section of trees have been taken down on the Melanie Drive side (south side) of the pond, this was done on the advice from the Environment Agency and AnglingTrust, also discussions took place with some of the local neighbours of Melanie Drive . This was carried out in a bid to cut down on leaves entering the pond which is adding to a silt issue, and to help creating a wind tunnel across the pond helping oxygenation of the water. Most of these trees were self seeded and starting to create issues with branches snapping off and movement of ground around the base of the trees whilst in windy conditions, so from a Heath & Safety point they had to be removed.

3, We have planted quite a few various evergreens to replace some of the trees and this project will be on going.

4,The timber from the trees did not go to waste, as the trunks were cut and sold to the general public all in aid our charity the Francis House Children’s Hospice. Some of the Timber was also donated to Etchells School for projects.
Chippings from the trees were also use on the public footpath along Melanie Drive side . These actions also received praise from the local labour councillor and local residents of Reddish.

5, The container roof has now been repaired, so we can now go in without the use of an umbrella!!

6. CCTV installation is now in progress as cabin roof has been repaired, a number of cameras have now been installed to help the bailiff health and safety.

7, The new Club identification board has been erected as is the new rules board.

8, We have just submitted a grant application for an improvement fund to help with the fish habitat and conditioning of water , we will keep you all informed of the progress.

9, We now have a Welfare Officer and we are very grateful to Mr David Gooch for taking on this roll, more details will be post when available.


13th of April 2023, general work party.

 generally tidy up of pathways and trim bushes along paths. 

1st Main work party  for the 10th February 2024

Quite a lot of works required to be done so please TRY  to make it, starts at 8:30 - 12:00,

Works , remove all cut tree branches of car park and from behind pegs 10 and put through shredder.

Remover all cut up tree trunks from behind pegs 8/9 and 30 to car park.

if we gate time, also install new aerator

Thank you all in anticipation of you all turning up :)


AGM meeting 06/12/2023, notice of motions results.

1. New Rule 36 Ban the magic twig. For 32, against 0, Abstention 0, 

2. Rule 27 change. Keep nets not to be used on pond only to be used on bona-fide matches, For 26 Against 2 Abstention 0, 

3. Membership fees increase £5 pound subscriptions increase across the board accepted. For 32, against 0, Abstentions 0, 

4. Finance rules to change to on-line banking. Several questions from members were posed with regards to the security and trustworthy. However the motion was passed for on line banking. For 30, Against 0, Abstentions 2

5. General meeting times to change from 20.30 hours to 20.00 hours was passed. For 17, Against 5, Abstentions 2, 

6. Honorary members to pay annual subscription as OAP’s and the honorary section removed from the constitutional rule book. The rule was passed, For 28, Against 2, and Abstentions 0.

7. General committee powers paragraph to change from "The Committee" to The remaining Committee members. was passed, For 32, against 0, Abstentions 0. ...........................................................................................................................................................

Works on Pond

Quite a bit of works has been carried out over the pass few days 8th/9th December 2023 regards the tree removal.

 All the tall trees behind peg 1 - 6 have been felled and partially removed, also some of the trees behind peg 7-9 felled, still requires a few move to be done. 

Over the January & February months we maybe doing work parties to remove the branches and tree trunks from the area, these date for work party will be put on Face Book/ web site, sorry if its short notice, but were working around the tree surgeon to keep cost down.

 Tree works to be complete by end of February 2023,


Work Parties 2024

Work parties will be held on the following Saturdays / Sundays 

Saturday 13th April 2024

Saturday 4th May 2024

Saturday 18th May 2024/ Sunday 19th May 2024

Saturday 8th June 2024

Saturday 13th July 2024

Saturday 27th July 2024/ Sunday 28th July 2024

Saturday 10rd August 2024

17th August 2024 (additional)

Saturday 7th September 2024

Saturday 5th October 2024

Saturday 16th November 2024

Work parties start at 8.30am

Non official work parties maybe held on other Saturday mornings

Fishing is not permitted on official work party days until 12 noon, or the work party leader declares the session finished (whichever the earlier).

One work party( more if like)  to be done per year by members.

Please book on in advance the date you require with the Minute Secretary.

 25 members per work party date only.



If more members required for a work party due to the amount of work planned, prior notice will be on Face Book Page / website page and read out in a general meeting.

Members are required to attend 4 General Meetings as per Constitution & Rules

 Please read the Constitution and Rules 2024 when issued on renewal 


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • The AGM is held on the First Wednesday of December at The Clubs headquarters commencing at 8pm prompt and its function is as follows.
  • To elect officers of The Club
  • To receive the Secretary’s report.
  • To receive the Treasures report.
  • To Appoint Auditors
  • To discuss and deal with notices of motion.

Bit of a catch up 

26th Aug, Fish A thon  was a great success, enjoyed by all who attended, even tho it was horrendous weather, we all still kept our humour and, 1st Place Bart Kennely, 2nd Paul Slee and 3rd Keith Goodier, amount raised £3,099.00, this will be presented to Julie Williams from the Francis House children's hospice Charity, hopefully a presentation even will be organised.

6TH AUG, Over the past months works have been going on regards the BIO Security plant, this is to prevent the spread of diseases into Jackson's water, i.e. if we were to get KHV or signal Crayfish in our water the results would be devastating.       This has final been completed and implanted into the rules of the RAC. Signage has been put up at the entrance of the gate for all to read and understand and follow who enter the pond. completed 6th September.

16th September work party, big tidy of pond, lots done, paths cleaned , bushes trimmed and trees, camera electric and aerator completed, trench for aerator mains cable completed, camera mounted to pole.  Thank you to all.

  • Laurie French
  • Mark Wheatcroft
  • Paul Wright
  • Les Maddock
  • David Gooch
  • Rick O'Pray
  • Lee Cherry
  • Gary Rushworth
  • Alan Lester
  • Alan Mc William
  • Daniel White
  • Melvin bitts
  • Mike Raida
  • Pete Knowles
  • Daniel +1
  • Mark (brew boy)
  • Danek Imiolek
  • Dave Mann
  • Paul Johnson

24th SEPT, President Shield trophy match results, 1st Lee Cherry. peg. 21.31lbs 7oz2n                                                                                                                                                                                                2nd Mark Bowden peg 26.19lbs 5oz                                                                                                                                                                                                3rd Mark Wheatcroft peg 16. 16lbs 15o

21st October, Big thanks to all that turned up for the work party, it was a beautiful morning for a clean up.

  • Rick O'Pray
  • Lee Cherry
  • Laurie French
  • Dave Mamn
  • Mark Wheatcroft
  • Pete Hamilton ( shame his not as fast as Lewis H )
  • Bob Popiolek
  • Neil Howard
  • Danny Mc Allister
  • Alan Mc William
  • Danek Imiolek
  • Paul Johnson

All paths cleaned of leaves, bushes trimmed, and peg 31 big tree trimmed. Also previous Wednesday, thanks to Laurie French and Rick O'Pray for rebuild peg 25

27th October, hopefully on the 18th November a final work party(tbc) just a clean again before Christmas,  1st November last general meeting this year before the Annual General Meeting which is the 6th December 2023, hope to see you there.

From all the committee and members our condolences to Richard Wood (RAC member) family at this sad time.


6th August 2023

What a super turn out today, not even the weather can stop members of a  great club from doing a work party,👍🏻champions.

The tree work didn't happen today due to personal reason with the tree surgeon, but hopefully next Saturday that will happen.

Lots of work completed,-:
Fence installed at bottom of slope.
Peg 27 required bigger repairs than anticipated, new front sleeper and wood sides, just require more infill, so please reframe from fishing that peg for now, thank you.

Trees trimmed on pegs 29, 24, still require more trimming on pegs  23 & 24 & 19.

Side path along Melanie trimmed

New foundation dug and filled/ levelled with gravel for toilet. Toilet has been moved to make way for new washplant, this is to disinfect nets/ landing nets and unhooking matts before fishing your pond, part of the evasive species grant.

Complete rebuild of peg 5, new sleeper/ Woods and scafolding concert to bank to support platform , just require AstroTurf and wood trim, this will  be completed on Monday . 

Peg 5 no bank sticks to be knocke in behind peg as its got concrete now behind it.

Big thanks for the Troop that fought the weather today.

Bob popiolek
Laurie French 
Lee cherry 
Simon thewlis
Steve molingeux
Mark rudol
Jimmy law( the cook)
Gary rushworth
Lez maddocks
Dave bux
Paul Johnson 
Phil Thompson 
Michile Alexander 
Mc William
Danek Imiolek
Louie Brown 
Paul Wright (0.12hr)😆
Mark Wheatcroft


5th August 2023,  9am -12 noon, if you would like to help longer than this would be appreciated, this is one of the Main work parties. Removal of willow trees, we will be requiring lost of help from you members, tea & coffee on ,  also depending on turn out of bodies this may require works on Sunday morning to finish off and clean up. its your pond please come and help.




Don't forget its the Charity 24hr Fish-A-Thon coming up 26th-27th August, all members welcome . Contact Paul Wright for sponsor forms by phone or email.


Toilet is now been in place for the past week thanks to all that helped.

Visit from the EA and Angling Trust were very positive and complementary on how the pond is progressing.

Work starting on peg 5 rebuilt week Monday.

Owl box to be installed Monday 31st

Materials  for the two grant are being purchase as we have full control of bank accounts


Update to the toilet facility.

This has now been prepped for concrete to be poured this week. Once set and bank account finalised, which should this week as well, the welfare toilet will be purchased asap. Please bare with us on these issues as it is more frustrating for us as it is for yourselves.  

Tomorrow 4/7/2023 we have the EA and angling trust visit on pond to sort out the wash plant and disinfectant dip tanks and aerator /plants.


These two positions have become vacant and are needed to be filled, Chairman and Banks Officer. 

Chairman  The Chairman’s role is to control all meetings of The Club, ensuring that the meetings are conducted in an orderly manner as per the rules of The Club, enforcing were necessary those rules. The Chairman has a casting vote which must and can only be used in the event of a tie vote.

Banks Officer The Bank Officer is responsible for everything above the waterline on The Clubs pond, i.e. the banks, pegs, trees and other flora. In practice the Fisheries and the Banks Officers are to work very closely together and must liaise with each other before undertaking any work on the pond

The present committee are doing their best to cover these positions temporarily but this cannot go on indefinitely.

Anybody interested, please contact any of the committee members.



Over the next few weeks there will be some small works being carried around the pond, trimming of bush around path way, grass cutting ,tree trimming, re-build of peg 5, toilet base works near main gate. Anyone interested in helping please contact Lee Cheery on 07784151170, many thanks.

Also we have a couple of meeting on the pond with the EA regards climate control and Angling Trust regards the evasive species grant, works and items required.



The 24 hour charity fishathon this year will be held on August bank holiday 26th/27th. This will be in aid of Francis House. Sponsor forms will be available on the next general meeting. It has been decided that you will need a minimum of £25 in sponsors or it will be £25 per peg fee. The draw will take place at 11am 26th Aug, all in at 12. There will be regular weigh ins with food and drink available. Limited places so hurry up and get your names down all in aid of a great charity Any questions please feel free to call me.

Thanks in advance Paul



The committee delighted to report that Rick O'Pray has kindly agreed to be co-opted on as Banks Officer, Mark Wheatcroft  is going to move to General purpose committee member role to continue to support the rest of the committee in their roles. Rock O'Pray's experience and already sterling work will be of massive benefit to our club.


Fish Care

Always use an hooking matt if unable to unhook fish in net without touching ground, if photo required, knee and keep fish over unhooking matt, also a container of water to wet fish down.

Never handle fish with dry hands as you risk removing their protective slime – they will wriggle more too! Use wet hands, never a towel or rag of any kind to hold a fish or cloth to come in contact with fish when holding, because this will also remove the slime and leave it vulnerable to infection. If a fish flaps about on the mat, cover its eyes with the landing net mesh to calm it down.

Any injuries or sores seem on fish you catch, use your fish care antiseptic spray (YOU SHOULD HAVE ONE)


13th May Mini work party

Big thanks to all who attended, lots of works was completed i.e. fence repair near peg 10 gate, peg2 repair, pruning and removing of tree branch which hindered certain pegs, mowing of the grass, hedge cutting and general clean up.



June 7th 2023 General meeting
The membership is still open for new memberships only. 
Membership runs from 1st April - 31st March, new membership applications will be accepted at the end of the meeting, please fill out the application form prior, this will cut joining time down, two passport photos are required.       THANK YOU


Back in October 2020 the RAC discussed about the trees around the pond being dangerous and out of control (height) resulting in some having to be cut down and others pollard.

we also discussed that a maintenance plan should set out, so the new committee are following up on this.

The Main June work party two trees will be cut down, one of which is causing damaged to external footpath other preventing us from re-roofing pond cabin (as discussed in last general meeting) and a number of others trimmed by a third thus cutting down of leaf fall into pond (reduce in silt build up in pond).

This work will be undertaken by a professional tree surgeon, removal of spoils will be down to the RAC, so please try and make this work party as we will need lots of man power, even if it's only for an hour or so, tea/coffee & biscuits available , BRING YOUR MUG:)) 


MINI WORK PARTY, 13th May 2023, All Work parties will commence at 9:00am and will last till approx. 12:00pm, this may carry on a little longer but its not obligatory to stay on :), works required:  trimming of hedge along the drive, trimming bushes on path ways, repair wire fence near Peg 10/ middle gate. 

All help is welcome, but not forgetting it is your pond for you to look after not just the committee and the regulars. :), may even be a brew and biscuits available, bring your own mug :)).


HELP REQUIRED, Looking for anyone to help move the rubbish from front gate with van or trailer 

May 3rd general meeting points

  • Bank details, Danek Imiolek (New Treasurer) is sorting the details with Simon Williamson to take over and alter the signatories, these are  Danek Imiolek, Paul Wright, Simon Thewlis and Laurie French.
  • Angling Trust Membership/ electrics address changed over. 
  • Monies to Angling Trust to be returned.
  • New welfare/disable toilet to be purchased asap.
  • Repairs to pond tool cabin roof asap.
  • Matches to be update on website match information page, Paul Wright (match secretary)to complete.
  • Mark Wheatcroft (banks officer) to plan a work party schedule for the year.
  • New membership are still been taken.


New memberships are still been taken at the next general meeting 3rd May 2023

Since the last meeting (EAGM), the new committee are making a slow progress but positive progress into finding/ changing the RAC details i.e. electric/ Angling trust/ EA / bank and trustees.                                                                                                                                                                                                

Matches are continuing but mostly on Jacksons as a friendly match not Points match for the rest of the year, trophy yearly matches will still be continuing as normal, these will updated on the Match Page eventually, please bare with us as still finding our feet.




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