w/p 16/11/2025 keep warm butty & brew

18/10/2024, 21lb 5oz, PEG 30
Anthony Smiths PB nice 21lb 5oz common
Phil's PB, 16lb 20z peg 30
Keith Goodier's PB on RAC 24lb 1oz
10/08/2024 w/p for island, great turn out
Paul Johnson's PB 22lb common
work party 27/07/2024 Island build

7th July 2024, Issac's 1st time fishing, hauled in a impressive 9 fish peg 5 on maggot on the whip, roach, gudgeon and a nice size bream.
Issac, new fisherman to the pond, 1st time fishing and bags a good few roach, Gudgeon and nice bream

7th July peg 4, meat on the feeder, pond record 26lb nick named Davey.
Dave Mann landed the pond record 26lb common, his PB

8th July 2024, Peg one, pellet, on the pole, difficult place to fish due to close proximity to lily pads.
Brian Houghton PB, nice 20lb on the nose mirror

lovely 21lb 13oz common carp, peg 6, on the pole 31/05/2024.
Kathy Barr(Membership Secretary)
PB, 21lb 13oz hauled in by Kathy Barr

12/05/2024 nice crucian peg 5
Bags a nice 2lb 2oz crucian Gary Rushworth

10/05/2024 peg 5, bait kept a secret..lol
lovely 2lb 1oz Tench caught by William Kelly
Fish a thon, whopping £3,100.00 raised

07/05/2024, peg 3, meat, last hour of the daylight
Danial White landed his PB 18lb 0oz mirror

Peg 5 on Robin Red, no weigh, unfortunately batteries failed is scales.
Nice mirror caught by Rowen Woods

This only a few of work party members,
Work Party crew

Nice chunky Bream peg 18, 2024
Gary Rushworth

Nice common carp peg 30, 2024
Antony Smith
Nice 3lb 8oz Barbel caught by Archie Davies
22lb1oz common caught by Rick O'Pray

Caught by Peter Wright 15/06/2023
Lovely 3lb 8oz Barbel peg 5

21/05/20 Peg 30, caught by Danek imiolek
22lb 9oz, nice looking Mirror

Date 10/05/2023 peg 12, his second one of the day was a 20lb commom.
Danny Mc Allister bagged a 21lb mirrorr carp

Caught by Rick O'Pray, peg 5, 1lb13oz, 05/05/2023
1st time caught, named Ricky boy 1lb13oz

Caught by Rick O'Pray peg 5, 05/05/20×3
1st time caught, named snowflake, 3lb12oz
2lb5oz Tench caught by our Head Bailiff, Lee Cherry
15lb common caught by jimmy the cook

15/04/2023 peg 13 louie Brown
Rod God is back on the pond, bagging up with Carp
11lb3oz nice clean common carp caught by Bart
The Tench have woken, nice 2lb12oz landed by laurie
Same day lands a lovley Tench, nice one Peter
Peter having a good day, nice crucian

Caught by Laurie French 12/04/2023 peg 8
Nice 2lb9oz Tench
Jacksons pond in the early day's
Jacksons pond before the tree planting